Touhoku HELP have started the foreign victim support project
We, Touhoku HELP have started the foreign victim support project with the cooperation of the following existing organizations.
1) The National Christian Liaison Conference for Alien Registration Act (http://www.gaikikyoujp/)
3) NPO: Smiling Helper(
As we say here “foreigner” means one whose roots are in a foreign country.
We realize that we as Japanese may give them difficulty without realizing it or we often have not noticed ourselves giving them difficulty.
At first, we are doing a survey to find out the real situation then quickly providing possible support.
We would like to have the following criteria fulfilled in our actions.
We are so grateful that we are having various supporting projects for the victims with your generous support.
Our urgent mutual task
(Prepared by the National Christian Liaison Conference for Alien Registration Act Secretariat)
On March 11th, 2011, a giant earthquake, tsunami, and collapse of a nuclear power plant happened.
There were 91,147 foreign residents in the affected areas which are Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, and Ibaragi. Among these foreigners, 75,281 are living in the municipalities applied of the Disaster Relief Act.
There are 27,755 Chinese, 12,199 both north and South Koreans, 9,617 Filipinos, 7,270 Brazilians, 3,859 Thais, and so on. They are living in 154 municipalities of the affected area.
There is few information regarding these foreigners, even though six months have passed since the disaster.
We had the 15th symposium of the Alien Registration Act issue with the particular theme of “the foreigner and Higashi Nippon (East Japan) giant earthquake problem of mission; of “Japanese Church, Korean Church, and Korean Church in Japan” held on July 25~27, in Tokyo.
The following issues were agreed upon in the above symposium and are to be implemented in practice as our common task. We have discussed these issues with related organizations and have started.
1) We plan to share the information gained during the supporting activities periodically among the Christian
denominations and organizations, other religious groups and organizations, the civil groups and organizations,
and other agencies concerned with foreign victims. To promote these actions we plan to have a symposium on November 8th in Sendai.
and other agencies concerned with foreign victims. To promote these actions we plan to have a symposium on November 8th in Sendai.
2) We try to provide for the mental care and livelihood support to the women who get married to Japanese citizens or
lose their husbands, becoming isolated immigrant woman. With cooperation from the Catholic Church women support program
for Filipino women, we are trying to have a survey and plan various support needed especially for Korean and Chinese
women. At the beginning, we plan to start the fact finding survey with cooperation of the Alien Registration Act Liaison
Conference and Tohoku Help.
3) We have also conducted the survey for the children of foreign victims and trying to support them to attend school.
To fulfill these programs, we would like to ask the cooperation and the participation by NGO’s, NPO’s, researchers, and students from all over the country.
To fulfill these programs, we would like to ask the cooperation and the participation by NGO’s, NPO’s, researchers, and students from all over the country.
4) We would like to conduct surveys for the elderly people of Korea who have met the disaster and provide continuous
livelihood support. To implement this plan we seek the cooperation and participation of those national organizations.
5) We would like to start the above mentioned programs of 2) through 4) within this year and before March 2012 we would
also like to begin the middle and longer range projects.