Touhoku HELP Secretariat
Regarding the report about the newly established and incorporated foundation;
Approaching the end of October:
It has been already about two months since the Touhoku HELP Secretariat became a legally recognized body. Almost two months have passed with the support and prayers of numerous people. During this period, a number of new projects have been planned and fortunately some of them have started implementation.
Today, the following press release has been released to the Miyagi Prefecture Press Club.
This is the summary of our results. We would like to share them along with our great appreciation.
October 27, 2011
To: News agencies,
Information on Touhoku HELP Secretariat
Information on Touhoku HELP Secretariat
Rev. (Dr.) Naoya Kawakami
Executive Director, the Victim Support Network
(Touhoku HELP)
Sendai, Christian Union
Chairman, Board of Directors, Touhoku Deaconia
(Touhoku HELP Secretariat)
TEL: 022-263-0520
FAX: 022-263-0521
URL: http//
Dear Friends,
I am happy to hear that you are well and prosperous. I am obliged to you for the trouble you have taken for me always.
The Sendai Christian Union which is composed of 100 churches in the Sendai area started the disaster support network on March 18th right after the huge disaster.
This organization is a voluntary organization and commonly called “Touhoku HELP” and has engaged in gathering information and raising funds. With much support this secretariat becomes now a legally incorporated foundation known as “Touhoku Deaconia” (commonly called “Touhoku HELP Secretariat”) and now will serve a longer period of time.
In collaboration with the National Christian Council in Japan (NCCJ), it is getting support from NGOs in different countries allowing us to have started some supporting projects already. We would like to report and share with you these recent developments.
The list of projects:
1) The supporting projects for the foreign victims:
I am happy to hear that you are well and prosperous. I am obliged to you for the trouble you have taken for me always.
The Sendai Christian Union which is composed of 100 churches in the Sendai area started the disaster support network on March 18th right after the huge disaster.
This organization is a voluntary organization and commonly called “Touhoku HELP” and has engaged in gathering information and raising funds. With much support this secretariat becomes now a legally incorporated foundation known as “Touhoku Deaconia” (commonly called “Touhoku HELP Secretariat”) and now will serve a longer period of time.
In collaboration with the National Christian Council in Japan (NCCJ), it is getting support from NGOs in different countries allowing us to have started some supporting projects already. We would like to report and share with you these recent developments.
The list of projects:
1) The supporting projects for the foreign victims:
We have to conduct a survey of the damaged situation of the foreigners(Those who have roots in a foreign country) living in
affected prefectures and connect them to the necessary social resources. We also are preparing “A supporting handbook for the victims”
and starting “the supporting center for foreign victims.” We are planning to have a symposium together with related organizations to
seek possible cooperation and further exchange information. (Never the less to say, the recipient of support should not be limited to
only Christians; the same rule applies to all cases.)
2) The project for measuring radioactivity in the foodstuffs:
In the most contaminated AREA, especially to ease insecurity of residents in Fukushima pref., that is Naka-dori district( the central
corridor district), we will install five sets of the radioactivity measuring instrument(LB2045). This will be done in Iwaki city and Sendai
city together with the counselors who take care of “care of heart” . The measured data should not be announced to outside people.
3) The radio program “Cafe de Monk” and the telephone counseling project:
To support “Counseling Room for the heart,” which was established and supported by the Miyagi Pref. Religious Corporation, and send
messages for the heart to the victims through this radio program by the well-known leaders of the community.
Between 3:00~10:00 p.m. on Sunday and Wednesday, the free telephone counseling by clergy (Shinto, Buddhist, Christian) is provided.
The radio broadcasting is also utilized for informing about available telephone counseling.
4) The supporting project for building community:Between 3:00~10:00 p.m. on Sunday and Wednesday, the free telephone counseling by clergy (Shinto, Buddhist, Christian) is provided.
The radio broadcasting is also utilized for informing about available telephone counseling.
In order to support the activity of residential organization in the temporary housing and its supporter’s activity, we are promoting
community organizing. We are already now supporting five temporary housings areas and looking for some other opportunities.